Net Sales Analysis Summary

The Net Sales Analysis Summary provides a net summary of prescription sales figures broken down by third party and plan. The report shows prescription sales for the report period, as well as prior reversals and rebills. This allows prior reversals and rebills to be reported on the day the transaction was performed, rather than on the prescription’s Fill Date.

Prior reversals and rebills are subtracted from sales to provide a net total for transactions that occurred during the report period. The report excludes same day reversals; these are prescriptions that were filled and then cancelled on the same day. Pre-authorized prescriptions are reported on the date on which they became completed.

The Net $ Grand Total in the lower right corner of the report is the amount that should be collected from all sources (third parties and patients) during the report period.

Note: The third party amounts in the Detailed Version's Prescription $ Values section are NOT expected to match the third party dollar amounts on the Condensed version. The Rx Sales Totals on the Prescription $ Values section will match the Net Sales Analysis Summary.

Non-retail prescriptions with group Rx status 'Z - Adjudicate to $0.00' are not included in this report, as there is no pricing related to these prescriptions.

Sample Report

Click on an area in the sample report to see a description of the field.

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